Our Services

Mothers in Mississippi and surrounding areas can donate their extra milk to help save premature and sick infants. Milk is received by, processed and stored by the Mother's Milk Bank of Mississippi until it is distributed to a child in need by a physician.

Donor mothers are women who are currently lactating and have surplus milk. All donors to MMBM must be in good general health, and undergo a screening process.

Contact our Donor Mom Coordinator at donors@msmilkbank.org

Depot Locations

Our depots are located around the state for your convenience.

Donated Milk

A bottle (100 ml, about 3 ounces) of donor milk costs about $12.00 to process. Babies weighing under 1,500 grams (3 pounds) require as little as 1-2 ml per feeding. Human milk for a typical baby's entire hospital stay costs about $1,145. That's far less than one day of intensive care that might otherwise be required.

Your donated milk, even in small amounts, makes a tremendous difference to premature infants and the cost to bring them a healthy start in life.